Auto insurance is pretty much the only insurance you’ll ever be required by law to carry in Concord, CA, or anywhere else in the state. When we head out in the car, we pose a risk to other drivers, and it’s only fair that we should be able to cover that risk.
You’re not required by law to insure your home, your business, or your boat.
But, while you may not be required by law to carry boat insurance, it can be challenging to own a boat without buying insurance. Even when we take away the simple fact that boats are expensive and foolish to leave uninsured, you may be required by your lender to insure your boat if you’re still making payments on it. Even the very successful among us might not be able to buy a brand new speedboat in a single cash payment.
Marina owners can also require that you carry insurance. You don’t pose much danger to other boaters out on the ocean, there’s plenty of space out there, and it’s hard to run into another boat. But when you pull it in to the docks, that’s another story, and a careless boater can do thousands of dollars of damage simply by pulling into the marina a little too quickly.
So while you are not required by law to insure your boat, you may be required to insure your boat, nonetheless.
If you have any questions about boat insurance, or if you’re looking to get covered in Concord, CA, get in touch with Land Home Insurance Services. At Land Home Insurance Services, you’re going to get a good deal on a great boat insurance policy.