How boat owners can benefit from increased liability protection

Land Home Insurance Services can help you find the comprehensive boat policy that’s right for your needs. If you have questions about boat or any other type of insurance, give us a call today.

Is it time to increase the liability protection provided by your boat policy?

There is some risk that comes with owning and operating a boat. When injuries occur, there can be liability issues and substantial damages. Liability protection is very important for boat owners. If someone is injured while a passenger is on your boat, the liability risk can be extreme. Without adequate protection, the owners themselves could have to bear the brunt of the liability exposure. No one wants to have to deal with financial liability when they can be protected by a comprehensive policy.

Upgrading your current boat policy to one that provides comprehensive liability protection is a good idea. This enhanced protection can help protect you from losses to passengers and property in a situation where your vessel is involved in a covered event. Increased medical expense coverage along with increased collision coverage and property damage protection can also be included in an upgraded comprehensive policy. 

Knowing that you have increased liability protection means that you can enjoy your boat with the peace of mind that comes with having the right protection in place. Waiting until there is a situation where you need enhanced protection is not necessary. Upgrade your boat insurance today.

Contact our office today!

Owning a boat comes with some liability risks. Let the team at Land Home Insurance Services help you find the right boat insurance policy for your unique needs. Give our office a call today to find out more about the policy options that are available in our area.